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Least Fill Quotas

This article will explain how to set-up a least fill quota.


At screener question S3 you have a requirement to pick two answer choices for a least fill quota:

Create a duplicate version of your S3 question and change the automatically generated question label from “S3_1” to “HID_S3” (or whatever makes sense for you).

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In the answer control enter: script:lf(HID_S3,\S3.a,2,\@sys_random)

Explaining the parts of this example script:


  • Keep as it is: script:lf(
  • Replace HID_S3 your actual question label
  • Replace \S3.a with your dependent question 
  • 2 is the pass the number, e.g. how many answer choices are to be picked
  • Keep as it is: \@sys_random)

In the right-hand menu, enter the following in the “Automatically fill in answer” box: sys_range c

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OPTIONAL: Next create a multi-quota based on HID_S3:


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Change the Maximum from 1 to 99 and change the Options to Random

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Add a Quota Stop:

A screenshot of a computer

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You can now use HID_S3 in further questions as required.

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