This article explains how to set-up, edit and use the library feature of Survey Builder. If you’re looking for detail on any of the following, please see one or more of the articles below:
- Default Question Types
- Advanced Question Types
- Build a survey: Introduction
- Set-up and work with Containers
- Set-up and edit Questions and answer choices
Library Overview:
- To access the library feature, click on the “+” in the top left, then click on “Open Library” (at the bottom).
- When you open the library, you will initially see a blank screen with two options in the left-hand navigation: Global Library and Personal Library. Once set-up the Global Library is for use by your entire organization and the Personal Library is for your own private use.
- Once you’ve added folders and questions to your Library, you will have a view similar to this:
How to add a question to the library:
Step 1: When you have created a question that you want to add to the library for company-wide or personal use, hover over the variable name of the question that you want to add. Three vertical dots will appear:
Step 2: Click on these dots, then click “Add to library”:
Step 3: Before you can add a question to the global or personal library, you will need to set-up a new folder or select an existing folder:
Step 4: Give the folder a name and click “Add”:
Step 5: The folder will appear in your chosen library.
Step 7: You’ll then need to click into this folder to save your question for future use. Once you are in the folder that you’ve just created or chosen, the save button will go from grey to black. The name of the question is mandatory, but the description is optional:
Step 8: Once you click save, the screen will return back to the Build page and a message that says “Question added successfully” will appear at the bottom of your screen.
How to access a question from the library:
To access this question in the future, click on the “+” in the top left, then click on “Open Library”, then select the Global or Personal Library, then select the folder where you saved the question, then click on the question, and finally click “Add from library”. Survey Builder will then insert this question into your survey.