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How to use the Edit Function

Creating tables from existing questions and responses as they are is useful but where the Walr Platform shines is editing them to tell the data story you wish to highlight.




Video guide:

Editing Basics


Editing works the same for Toplines, Cross Table, and nested (hierarchical) tables.


1. Select the question(s) you wish to edit.


2. Click Edit.

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The Edit window opens ...


3. Choose to edit either Response Columns or Rows.


4. Edit text directly in the text fields.


5. Use the toggles to turn question visibility on and off. The topmost toggle will change all the questions at once.


6. Click Update to save changes and return to your table.


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Supress rows on Grid tables

With this update, users can choose to hide column(s) in a grid table or they can choose to supress the grid columns (s) which will rebase the table.


In this example, we’ll use the row “The same amount of choice/options”:

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First, hiding the row. To do this, go to A&R > Cross Table> Edit> and toggle off the grid column(s) that you want to hide:


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Doing this will update the table so that the row is hidden from view, but the table is not rebased:


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If I want to rebase the table, I use the “Supress” toggle in the Edit feature. To do this, go to: A&R > Cross Table> Edit> and toggle off the grid column> toggle on Supress: 


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Doing this will then update the table so that it is rebased to exclude the hidden row:


A screenshot of a spreadsheet

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Additionally, A&R will show users what the table is based on and provide individual tables on the same page for each of the rows that were asked in the grid question:

A screenshot of a spreadsheet

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Copy & Paste Changes

In the Edit feature of Cross Table, you can now copy and paste changes you make from one question to another. This will save users time and effort in updating and making changes to variables.


For example, if you have multiple questions with the same agree/disagree scale and you net Top 2 and Bottom 2, you can paste this onto all other questions with the same scale so that you do not have to go through the process of netting each time.


To copy the edits, go to: A&R> Cross Table > select the tables you want to edit > Edit > make the changes you need to make > Actions > Copy edits


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To paste the edits, go to: Edit > select a table with the same scale> Actions > Paste edits:


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The user can then decide if they want to paste to all tables with the same scale or just the currently selected table:



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Then the display will update to reflect the changes made to the previous variable:


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Scaling Factor


Moving over to the Response Columns we can modify response weights by typing the values directly or using the arrows to increase or decrease the values.


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Merge Rows


Merging rows is very fast and easy. For example, we might want to merge responses for "Third last issue" with "More than three issues ago" into one response for "Three or more issues ago".


1. Select the rows that you wish to merge by checking the boxes.


2. Click Actions then Merge rows.


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3. The source rows for the merged response are hidden. 

  •         You may enable these if you wish to include them as well in your table.


4. You may edit the text like any other response.


5. Use the red trash icon to delete / remove the merged row.


6. Click Update to save your work.


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The Table now has the merged row and the source rows are not shown.



Swap Rows/Columns


Open the Edit window again as before ...


1. Select the question you wish to edit.


2. Click Edit.

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The Edit window opens. At the bottom of the Edit window you can choose to swap rows and columns in the table using the Swap Rows/Columns toggle.


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The original table:


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Rows/Columns swapped:



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Show Summary Values Only


Open the Edit window again as before ...


1. Select the question you wish to edit.


2. Click Edit.


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The Edit window opens. At the bottom of the Edit window you can choose to display only summary values in the table using the Show Summary Values Only toggle.

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The resulting table:


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