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Creating Custom Categorical Variables

It is possible to create custom questions for your cross tables based on the questions and categories in a data set. You may also create custom numeric indexes using arithmetic operators.

Video Guide:



1. In the Cross Table tool, select the Created questions tab on the bottom of the question list on the left.


2. Toward the top of the page, click on Create and select Categorical question.


3. Create a new question by choosing a categorical question. (1 Select Question)

4. Create the categories by selecting the responses desired. (2 Select responses and add filter)


5. Click Add to Visual.

  • In the image below the responses have been added to the Visual step.
  • It is possible to edit the filter text as desired.

6. When your filter is as you like click Add as row..

7. Give the Custom question an ID and a question text

  • The ID must be one word using only a-z,A-Z,0-9 and underscore
  • The question text can be anything you want.


8. Click "Add question". The new variable will now appear under Created Questions and you can use it as a row or column/banner.


Repeat steps 4-8 until all your categories have been created for the question.


From “Created questions” you may now drag the new question into either rows or columns and check that the new custom question has been created correctly

Use & Edit


Your custom question may now be used for cross tables or charts and as an input question for creating a weight set for your data like any other question.


If you need to edit your custom question, simply select the question and click on "Edit".

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