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Using Extended Chart Options

Extended Chart options give you the ability to make very fine changes to many different parts of your charts. 


Extended Chart Options Menu


Access the Extended Chart options by clicking Options within the Chart tool.



Select the Extended Chart options category:



Filter Documentation


If you have applied filters on the data used in your charts, the Filter Documentation shows or hides the definition (or documentation) of the applied filter. The default is no documentation.




The filter text is at the top of the chart. In our example, we have a filter to display only data for 'North' and this is shown in the view below.


Chart, bar chart

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Chart Values


Select from a number of values to display:


  • Vertical % is the percentage of values vertically. In our example chart if you add up the percentage of males for each region you would total 100%
  • Horizontal % is the percentage of values horizontally. In our example this would be the percentage of males or females in each region. In the north region this would show as 50% male and 50% female respondents.
  • Filter % is the percentage of each row in the total value of the filter applied.
  • # of interviews shows the numeric value of responses in each row (as shown in the image below).
  • Weighted # of interviews (population) is similar to filter % but for the defined population.



For our example below we have selected # of interviews.



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Hide Percentage Sign


Selecting this toggle will hide or show the percentage sign in the charts.


Default - Percentage displayed

A screenshot of a computer

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Percentage hidden

Chart, bar chart

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Max and Minimum Scale Values and Step Values


Cut down on extra space in your charts by defining the minimum and maximum values to show on the chart. 


The displayed scale values can be in steps other than 1. In our example below we have adjusted the minimum scale to 5 and maximum scale to 70. The step value is set to 5. 


Chart, bar chart

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Chart Colours


Right now, chart colours cannot be changed within A&R. However, when you export your charts, they will pick-up the colours of the template that you export into. For example, if your PPT template contains red and yellow as the first and second choices for graphs, the chart above would have Male in red and Female in yellow instead of the dark and light shades of blue above.



Decimal Points


You can adjust the number of decimal points that you wish to display for both general values and calculated average values.


Default - No decimals

A screenshot of a computer

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% decimals set to 2

Chart, bar chart

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