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Chart Configuration Options

With the chart type selected you are able to also configure a number of settings that are related. 


We will use our base horizontal bar chart to demonstrate the customizations you can make to a chart in the chart options category.


Chart, bar chart

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Chart Options Menu


Access the chart options by clicking Options within the Chart tool.



The Options default to the Chart Options category that we will discuss. We will configure a horizontal bar chart in our examples but the settings apply to all chart types.


Graphical user interface, text, application

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When setting options be sure to click Set options to apply your choices to the chart.


Configure Chart Series


Reverse Categories


  • Data categories may be reversed using this toggle. In our example this will place the West region at the top of the chart and the North region at the bottom.


Chart, bar chart

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Reverse Series

  • Reversing the series works the same way as reversing the categories. In our example this swaps the female and male series in the chart.


Chart, bar chart

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  • This toggle turns on stacked series in the bars. This option works best with Values in Chart turned off for clarity. Hovering over the series in the bar displays the value.



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Values in Chart


  • Displays the selected values as text in the chart. You can see this shown in the basic chart at the top of the page.


Total Series


  • Adds a new total bar to the series. The percentage shown in the total bar is the percentage of the total number of responses, in this example, males + females. 


Chart, bar chart

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Series in


  • Series in lets you choose to swap the rows and columns of your chart.


Chart, bar chart

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