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Categorise Numeric Variables in Charts

You may want to categorize a numeric variable in a chart. 

An example might be to take a numeric variable like exact age and convert that into age categories.

1. Drag a numeric question to either the rows or columns drop zones.

2. Select the numeric question you want to categorize by placing a check in the box. 

Click Edit.

3. In the question editor click on Response columns.

  • You can edit the question text here if you wish.


4. Click Add empty row.


5. Enter your first category details:

  • Numeric range (From - To).
  • Category text 

Repeat until you have created the categories you desire. 

You may use the Duplicate row icon on the far right of the row or click Add empty row again. 

  • The created categories can overlap. Be careful to get your ranges as you desire.


6. When you have your categories right click Update.


The final categorized chart:

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