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Reading the Dig Report

The Dig report is a summary of all statistically significant findings in the data. 

However, while it is a summary, it contains a lot of information so can seem very busy. 

Here are some tips on reading or interpreting the Dig report. 


Using the example output below you can see numerous points of information ... 

1. Target group size and description

2. The Question and Category text

3. The Question ID

4. The percentage of the target group that responded to the category

5. The percentage of the responses that where not in the target group

6. The total percentage of responses by all respondents

7. The Chi-squared significance level

  • If the Significance level shows 96.8%, it means that the the coverage of this category in target group is different from the total at a significance level of 96.8%.
  • The default is to show both positive and negative significance but this can be selected in options.

Look at these figures carefully as there may be spurious relationships shown



The best way to use the Dig Report is to look for those categories that have both a high significance value (positive or negative) and a reasonable coverage in the target group.

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