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User Types Explained


The Walr Platform is designed to cater to the needs of different types of users, each with their own set of requirements and preferences. In order to provide a seamless and tailored experience for each user, it is important to understand the characteristics of each user type and how they interact with the Walr Platform.


There are three (3) user types on the Walr Platform.

  1. Administrator
  2. Advanced
  3. Standard


Each individual user of the Walr Platform will be assigned ONE of these user types. A user-type, or Role, governs what users can and cannot do within the Walr Platform. Below is a summary of the main differences.




This user-type can access to the following pages, sections & apps within Walr Platform

  • Home page / Landing page
  • Projects folders
    • Projects created by them
    • Projects shared with them from their organisation
  • Function apps assigned (purchased) by their organisation
    • Project bidding & RFQ form
    • Survey Builder
    • Data Operations
    • Analysis & Reporting
    • Pinboard
    • Panel Manager
    • Archived projects
  • File Manager
  • Tasks Manager
  • Help Centre
  • Support site / Knowledge base


This user-type can perform the following functions within Walr Platform

  • Create new project folder
  • Create project tags
  • Create new project items (eg, survey, pinboard, audience, etc)
  • Delete own project items (eg, survey, pinboard, audience, etc)
  • Import project items where applicable (eg, datasets)
  • Export project items where applicable (eg, surveys, analysis, reports)
  • Read and write to personal library
  • Read from organisation (global) library
  • Create new folders and files in File Manager




All of Standard, plus …


This user-type can access to the following pages, sections & apps within Walr Platform

  • Admin area
  • Projects folders
    • View, access & edit all projects within organisation


This user-type can perform the following functions within Walr Platform

  • Edit users within their organisation account
    • Add (invite) new users
    • Edit details of existing users
    • Edit user-type of existing users
  • Edit organisation ‘settings’ within Admin area (eg, add API keys, create email templates)
  • Create groups
  • Create sub accounts (sharing)
  • Share projects
  • Delete project items they created (eg, survey, pinboard, audience, etc).
  • Delete project items created by others in their organisation
  • Read and write to organisation (global) library




All of Standard & Advanced, plus …


  • Edit users within their organisation account
    • Delete Advanced user-type


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