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What is the 'Project Page'?

Each project has its own Project Page

This page is a landing page - a start page for all the objects and work related to your project. 

The project page contains the following:

  1. Project name, and branding if you chose something other than default.
  2. Any searchable tags (keywords) you have added to your project. Once you have many projects these tags are very useful in finding your projects.
  3. Import. Bring new data sets for analysis into the project. 
    1. SPSS, Triple-S or .miprox-files (Research Studio files)
  4. Add opens a wizard to upload files other than data sets to your project. These can be of any type.
  5. Edit  will allow changes to the information you provided when creating the project.
  6. Sharing allows you to share the project with someone outside of your organization.
    1. Specify what you want to share
    2. Specify what analysis actions they may take 
    3. Specify what access they have to the project, read only or collaborative and if they may give access to other people inside their organization.

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