The Help Center is always available to users anywhere in the Walr Platform.
- Open the Help Center
- Search for Answers
- Recommended Topics
- Contact Support
- What's New
- Browse the Knowledge Base
- Report an Issue
- Jump to the Walr Website
Open the Help Center
In the lower left corner of your screen is the Question Mark icon. Click it to open the Help Center.
Search for Answers
At the top of the Help Center is a search field. Enter a topic or keyword that you wish to know more about directly into the box and press Enter/Return. The help Center will open a new browser page with a list of all knowledge base topics that mention the topic you entered.
Recommended Topics
In this section Walr displays some knowledge base topic to get you started.
Contact Support
Clicking the Contact support link will open a form that you can use to ask for help about a function or let Walr know that something isn't working the way you would expect. The form packs a lot of information in so you will need to scroll to enter everything and submit your request.
- Your Name: An optional field that is helpful in conversation.
- Email: Required to contact you with your answer of further questions to help us to properly answer your request.
- Type: What type of request is this, "Something isn't working" or "I need to j=know how to do something".
- Summary: A brief overview of what your request is. Think of it like an email subject line and leave the details for the description field.
- Description: This is where the detailed description of your issue can be entered. It is a fairly large field and it will grow as needed to fit your text but being concise will help everyone to speed your answer along.
- Priority: Low/Medium/High/Urgent.
- Take screenshot: This is the best reason to use the Help Center while you are working. Pressing this button will immediately take a screenshot of the page you are on. No need for other screenshot software.
- Upload files: If you do wish to use a screenshot tool to get multiple screenshots you can upload those here. you can also add any other relevant files you wish. Just drag and drop them into the upload field. There is a limit of five files per form.
- Send: Once you have crafted the perfect message click Send to have the Walr support team answer you.
Browse the Knowledge Base
Opens the Walr support page where you can browse through all of the knowledge base articles. You can also enter a support ticket if you can't find the information that you need or if you feel that something isn't working right.
Report an Issue
The Report an Issue link opens a support ticket form directly. It is very similar to the Contact support form without the ability to take a screenshot. See the Contact Support section above for details about the fields.
Jump to the Walr Website
Finally at the bottom are several links to popular pages within the Walr website that may be of interest to you.
The Walr Help Center is the best place for all of your support needs.