Emails invites are the most common way of sending surveys to potential respondents and within the Walr Platform the process for creating and delivering email invites is very simple and fully customisable.
Emails can only be delivered if a ‘Provider’ has been set up by Walr at an Organisation level.
User guides on the ‘Providers’ found HERE.
Creating an invite
From the Survey Builder Launch tab, click the “New audience” button to open the ‘Create’ window.
Select ‘Email invite’. NB: This will not work if you have not published your survey (top right) of the Launch tab.
Add any preferred name, description or tag(s). Name is mandatory.
In this example we have named this audience “Demo invite”.
Click ‘Create’.
Composure module
The email module will open.
1. Overview – shows the status and properties of the invite.
2. Compose – opens the text editor
3. Options – allows users to Activate the ‘Pre-Validation’(specific use case, speak to Walr for more details).
4. Edit and Delete – allows users to edit the properties of the email job, or delete completely.
The ‘Compose’ window is where the email properties, settings and content are composed.
1. Email properties
- From
- Customise the sender name or identity seen by respondents.
- To
- Select the respondents to receive the invite.
- Drop-down menu will be populated with previously uploaded lists. User guides found HERE.
- Subject
- Customise the subject line seen by respondents.
- Provider
- Email provider(s) must be set up at the Organisation level.
- User guides on ‘Providers’ found HERE.
2. Email body
- Add the content required for the email invite including texts, images, survey links and more.
3. View menu
- Design view
- WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) tool allowing powerful text creation, editing and formatting.
- Users can append links to the survey and unsubscribe feature.
- Users can append details about the respondent if previously uploaded.
- html view = write and manipulate HTML code for creating web pages
4. Action buttons
- Preview = review the email before sending.
- Save = Save current draft.
- Next = initiate the delivery and scheduling of the invite. User guides found HERE.
Useful functions
Link menu
Users can add urls and hyperlinks to an email
- Survey link = insert the survey url / link that was generated. User guides found HERE.
- Opt-out link = insert the Walr default url for respondents to unsubscribe from further communications.
Append menu
Users can insert (pipe) data related to the respondent that was previously uploaded during the upload process. User guides found HERE.
- In our example we uploaded 3 variables, Name, Email address and Location.
Users can add images to an email with the following steps.
- Click the image icon to open the ‘Upload image’ window.
- Click in the box labelled ‘Select an image’ to open the image library.
- Within the library
- Previously loaded images can be selected for immediate use.
- Further images can be uploaded via file explorer.
- Once an image is selected, return to the ‘Upload’ window and adjust the size accordingly.
- Click ‘Save’ to return the email. The image will appear in the email body.
Images can be repositioned or adjusted in size by clicking into the menu again.
Users can preview the email before delivering to their respondents.
Click the “Preview Email” button from the main ‘Compose’ page. This opens the “Preview” window.
- The Preview window displays how the email will appear in an email if sent.
- Users can send this preview to their own email.
- Click “Send test email" to activate the send of this preview.
When satisfied with email content click the “Next” button to set up the delivery or scheduling. User guides for this next phase are HERE.
All invites will appear in the ‘Invites’ tab in the main ‘Launch’ tab.