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Create a live survey link
A link or url of the survey is created within the Launch area of Survey Builder.   Creating a link   From the Survey Builder Launch tab, click the “New ...
Wed, 19 Jun, 2024 at 12:02 PM
Upload a respondent list (Sample file)
Users can upload a list of IDs, emails or contacts which are then invited to the survey. This is known as a ‘respondent list’ or ‘sample file’. Uploading a ...
Wed, 19 Jun, 2024 at 12:04 PM
Create an email invite
  Emails invites are the most common way of sending surveys to potential respondents and within the Walr Platform the process for creating and delivering e...
Wed, 19 Jun, 2024 at 12:05 PM
Create an SMS invite
Notes to come. Contact Walr for more details.   Reminder: Emails & SMS can only be delivered if a ‘Provider’ has been set up by Walr at an Organisa...
Thu, 14 Sep, 2023 at 10:46 AM