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Click Text Highlighter

Click Text Highlighter

Using Walr’s “No Code” solution, our highly customisable custom questions allow you to modify them without needing to understand any coding or programming.  Everything is presented through options in our “Visualisation”, allowing you to adjust the question to get exactly the format you need.


Data: the underlying question type for this question is a multi grid, so each word will be have a column for positive and one for negative.

E.g. Question “Highlighter” with 8 words will show as:

A screenshot of a computer

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In our Analysis & reporting tool:

A screenshot of a computer

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A screenshot of a computer

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The Click Text Highlighter can be found in the “Advanced” question selection as shown.

A screenshot of a computer

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Here is an example of how to set up the question.

  1. Add your question and instruction text here.  By default, this type of question uses, in this case, first click to select positive, a second click on the same option will change to negative and the third click will clear it
  2. These are the clickable options, they can be individual words or phrases/sentences.   Note that you cannot use images in this question.  The last option “none” is optional and can be converted into an opt out if needed.
  3. This question defaults to only 2 buckets, which can be renamed as needed.



To modify this question, click on the “Visualisation”:

A screenshot of a computer

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Colour 1 & 2 refer to the colour of the positive and negative clicks, this can be changed.

Exclusive converts the last code in the statements to an exclusive opt out option.

Show test data will show how the data is being captured and is useful for testing.  Remember to uncheck this before going live.


A screenshot of a computer

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