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Numeric Slider

Numeric Slider


Using Walr’s “No Code” solution, our highly customisable custom questions allow you to modify them without needing to understand any coding or programming.  Everything is presented through options in our “Visualisation”, allowing you to adjust the question to get exactly the format you need.


Data: the underlying question type for this question is a numeric.

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In our Analysis & reporting tool this question can be recoded into a categorical question and then tabulated as normal.





This is a numeric slider showing several options on the same page


A screenshot of a social media survey

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The Numeric Slider can be found in the “Advanced” question selection as shown.

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Here is an example of how to set up the question.



  1. Enter the question label
  2. This is the question text
  3. Optional instruction text, you can set the type to “Instruction” so your styling can be picked up from your theme
  4. Ensure that the visualisation is showing as “Numeric Slider”
  5. Click on the 3 dots to open the visualisation menu to customise the question.



There are several subheadings, Behaviour, Appearance, Advanced



As this is a numeric question, we need to assign the start and end point of the scale, specifying the range of e.g. 1-10 only allows those numeric responses to be stored in the data.

Slider minimum value: 1

Slider maximum value: 10

Slider increment (steps): how many steps the slider will take each time it is moved, the default is always one, but you may want to move more than one step in some cases

Handle start position off the slider: by default the start position will be off the slider, turning this off starts the slider on the “slider minimum value” – the slider needs to be moved to store an answer.

Pips type:          

Custom Values: define your own steps

Slider steps, adds each of the increments within the range:A line of blue and black objects

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Clickable pips: can the pips be clicked on to move the slider or do they need to use the handle

Show opt out: show an opt out button, such as “Don’t know”.  There is no need to add a code in the question creation, this is added as a numeric value of -99,999 in the data, although this can be changed in the Advanced section

Show prefix: enable the prefix, which can be set in Appearance

Show suffix: enable the suffix, which can be set in Appearance


A screenshot of a slider options

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Highlighting pips: the pip, or number, selected will be highlighted

Vertical labels: The labels will be vertical rather than horizontal

OptOut big button: Makes the optout button larger to match the length of the scale

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Custom pips labels: enable this to customise the pips labels

Slider labels: with the above toggle you can now change the labels for the start and end points from 1 and 10 to e.g. Highly unlikely and Highly likely, separated by “|”

If you were to for example add something like: Highly unlikely|Neither nor|Highly unlikely

then you would have three labels on the slider

Slider label positions: this would show where in the slider the labels would appear, by default the start and end points.  As per the above example, if you have 3 labels, you would need to specify the following which would show the labels at position 1, 5 & 10: 1,5,10

Pips prefix: if you want to add something in front of every value on the scale

Pips suffix: if you want to add something after of every value on the scale

OptOut custom text: the test to show on the opt out buttons

OptOut custom value: the value stored in the data if the opt out is selected


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Decimal values length: specify the value of the decimal answer e.g. 2 would be to 2 decimal places

Pips decimal: a visual representation of the above, you can leave this as 0, so the scale is shown as 1-2-3 etc. but the value will increment by 0.01-0.02-0.03 etc. 

A white background with black dots

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