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Export Tables to Excel

The tables you have created can be exported to Excel. 

You can export tables created in any of the Analysis tabs (tools), Topline, Cross Tables, Reports etc.

Video Guide:

To export


From the tab that you wish to export the tables from click Export then Export to Excel. This example shows Cross Table, but the same applies to any analysis feature within A&R:

From the "Export Table to Excel" dialog you can specify details about the export.


Template - Select a valid Excel template if desired.

Options - Specify whether you want:

  • Each table on a separate sheet in the Excel work book.
  • Multiple values for a cell  to be shown beneath each other or side by side.
    • A table might show Percentage and # of interviews in a cell for example.
  • To Include an index as a separate sheet or as a part of first sheet. The default is no index.
    • An index will include a link to the different tables. This makes long exports easier to navigate. Some manual formatting of column width may be required


Save to project - save the export file to the project (within the platform) for later use or download the file immediately.

  • Saving to the project will make the Excel file available to all users having access to the project.
  • Give the Export a name and description (optional). 



Click Export once you are satisfied with your choices.

Access the export

If the file has been exported to the Walr project folder you will see it listed with the other project files. First you will see this message in A&R:

To access the file, Click on Analysis & Reporting (top left) and then click on the first option "Go To Project":

Once back in your Walr project folder you will see the exported Excel document, click on it to download it:

Alternatively, you can download an Excel without leaving A&R if you do not save it to the Walr project folder. 

Note that this option means that only you will have access to the file and if you want to save it to the Walr project folder you will need to export the tables again in A&R or you can upload your Excel to the project folder by saving it locally, then going to "Add" > "Files" and selecting it from your local folder.

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