Go to the “Created Question” tab at the bottom left of the screen:
Click on “Create” then click on “Categorical question”
Focusing on the left side of the builder: select the variable that you want to adjust, then put 1 to 5 as range (in this example, we are looking at a top 5 rank. If, for example, you wanted to take Top 2 box, you can put 1 to 2). Click on “Add” and then click on “Add to Builder” finally, click on “Add as row”
Next on the right, rename the text label to the name of the first attribute. In this example “Cool brand”. Then click on the copy icon. Then in the next row change “a.1” to “a.2”. For example: “\Q55.a.1=1:5” to “\Q55.a.2=1:5”. Repeat this step until you’ve added every attribute in the question. Then click “Add question”:
The new variable will contain percentages and can be used like any other dataset variable. For example: